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Nothing but road

Nothing but road is a three-dimensional project which consists in a tour of ten gigs during ten days for ten different cities in Spain. In total, from July 31 to August 9, we covered 2,912 kilometers to perform in Taüll (Lleida, Catalonia), Aïnsa (Huesca, Aragon), Artajona (Navarra), Cartes (Cantabria), Luarca (Asturias), Colunga (Asturias), Candelario (Salamanca, Castilla y León), Campo de Criptana (Ciudad Real, Castilla-La Mancha), Valjunquera (Teruel, Aragon) and Morella (Castellón, Valencia). All of them, charming villages, full of history and touched by the problem of depopulation. The final climax came on August 14, with a concert in the Parc d'Europa in Almacelles, our hometown.
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